Monday, August 24, 2009

Remember Why

To really benefit from the Focusing on Success program you need to remember the why. In my previous post I talked about targets/goals and reviewing them daily. This is the first step in remembering why you are taking the actions you are taking.

To start with you need to make the Why as big as you can dream. If you set your intentions and understand why you want to accomplish them it will help you along the way in completing your tasks. I find it works best when I develop my ling term vision and that becomes the 20,000 foot why. As I set out each day and list my critical tasks, they are all associated with my vision. By making all my tasks directly relevant to my vision I am constantly reminded of why I am doing each task. When you understand why you need to do something it is much easy to do it.

The best way to develop your Why is to start with a long term vision of what it is you want to accomplish. After visualizing your dream, think about why you want that particular dream; what will you get out of it; how will it make you feel; what will be your enjoyment? Brainstorm on the reasons why and write down 3 or more along side the vision. This will reinforce your commitment to that particular goal. Now that you have you long term vision, start writing down what you need to accomplish along the way to achieving the goal. Next to each step write down the why this step is important and what it means to the overall goal. If you find that a step doesn't have a why then remove that step. Only focus on tasks that have a why and provide positive movement towards your goal. Now that you have you overall goal and the steps to getting there along with the Whys you are ready to work on your critical tasks. As you are preparing your daily critical tasks you can refer to you steps and goals and the whys of each. This builds a sense of purpose into the task and taht sense of prupose is what drives you to complete the task.

Let's look at the following example:
First start with you goal, write it out then below the goal write the reaasons why.
Long Term Goal: Intergrate the new software program system at work in 3 months
  • I will feel a sense of accomplishment for completing the project 1 month early
  • My team will be freed up to start on the database upgrades
  • The new software will make everyones work easier
  • My team will receive a hefty bonus

Now, break the overall goal into the steps that will be needed to acheive the goal, then add the why.

  1. Get software from vendor by Friday - This will allow us to start installation on Saturday
  2. Migrate servers over next 30 days - This will allow new system to be ready 6 weeks early
  3. Schedule overtime for testing - This will cut the tesing time by 2 weeks allowing us to finish 4 weeks early

Now that you have your steps written out and you know why they are important your individual tasks will have more relevancy. So on day 1 when your first critical task is to verify the delivery date of the software you will completely understand why this is so important.

This is a simplified example, but I hope you can see the difference that understanding the Why can make in your completion of tasks. And let's face, if you are going to be successful at anything at all you have to take action. So the more you understand why you are taking an action the more you will be willing to do it. For the most part, we all know what it is we need to do, it's just actually doing it that presents a problem. Remember, the big shot is just a little shot that kept shooting and if you know why, you will keep shooting.

Cheers to Success,

Tony Booth

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