Monday, August 10, 2009

Determine Values

“A structure is only as good as the foundation upon which it is built.”

The first key to focusing on success is to properly determine and set your values. The deep seated values that we hold have a profound effect on our actions. Our subconscious mind holds our values as truths and will use those values to steer our actions. Have you ever had something that you decided you needed to do but always found yourself putting it off or avoiding it? Chances are there was an underlying value conflict with the action or the potential outcome.

In order for the Focusing on Success system to work efficiently we need to dig in and define our values. Take some time to review your values and make a list of all your values. It is best to start with a blank sheet of paper and write down 20 values that are important to you. After you have your list of 20, take some time to think about them and meditate on them. Really get a feel for which ones mean the most to you and consolidate the list to 5 primary values and 5 secondary values. I recommend putting these 10 values into a chart or on an index card so that you can refer to them often. Future posts will have more information on setting and monitoring values along with some useful tools to help you. The more you are aware of your values, the easier it will be to focus on the things that will make you successful. You should review your values daily for the first week to commit them to memory and after that refer to them at least twice a week.

Take the time this week to get you values in order and work on them. This will build the foundation on which the rest of the Focusing on Success program will work. With our values in place and clearly understood it will be easy to develop your why and keep your focus.

Cheers to Success!

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