Thursday, September 3, 2009

What is Focusing on Success

We all know that it is no secret that if you want to be successful at anything, you must have goals. Corporations provide them for employees, coaches provide them for their teams, and parents provide them for their kids. We all have them in various forms. Some have them written in detail and others just have them in their head. Well no matter what you goals are, the only way to reach them is by taking steps towards making them a reality. Focusing on Success is a system for helping people take those steps.

If we all have these goals, we does it often seem so hard to make them a reality? Why do we always put off doing the things we know we need to do? We try all the different time management techniques and systems but they just don't seem to work.

The main problem with all these systems and ideas is ourselves. Our own mind will work against us if we do not take the proper steps. If your goals are not aligned with your values you will always be finding reasons why something doesn't need to be done. When you are not truly clear on why you need to do something you will find yourself procrastinating and avoiding the task.

Focusing on Success is a process to clear all those things in your mind that are holding you back. The first step of the process is to truly understand your values. Then make sure that your goals are in agreement with those values. After your goals are clear, we determine and understand why these goals are important. Once you understand the why, it's time to start taking those small steps everyday that moves you closer to your goals. The FOS process provides insight into ways that these actions become second nature and easy to complete.

Imagine waking every morning beaming with excitement about the day ahead and charged to get started on your daily Critical Action Items. It is exhilarating and what's even better is in the evening when you sit and reflect on all that you accomplished during your day.

Follow my blog and you will get the details on how to make this system work for you. Once you do, you will be amazed at how easy it is to get things done. You will be able to have and achieve anything you ever wanted.

Cheers to Success!
Tony Booth

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