Friday, August 28, 2009

What is Success?

When thinking about success many of us fall into the trap of thinking that success only applies to wealth and fame. We often define success as earning a huge salary, a prestigious career, fancy cars, or fame. This is a horrible trap to fall into. When you look at success this way it is easy for your mind to say "I don't need to be successful to be happy, look those successful people aren't always happy anyway, so why bother."

In the Focusing on Success program we use a much broader approach to success. We define success as:

Success - achieving the desired outcome of our values, intentions, and actions.

By looking at success in broader terms we can apply the definition of success to anything that we desire. In the Focusing on Success program we concentrate on success in five areas; wealth, health, relationships, mind, and spirituality. However, you can apply the program to virtually any aspect of of your life and anything you want to accomplish.

So keep in mind you can use this program for anything from improving your golf score to finding the perfect companion. Just follow the process as they pertain to each thing that you are trying to achieve and you will be successful.

Using the program to improve you health would work something like this;

First, review and set your values as they relate to health. In this respect some of your key values may be health, energy, physical fitness, or appearance.

Next determine your targets/goals. They might look like; "In January I wear a size 4 dress, have the energy to play with my children at night, and provide my body with healthy nourishment."

Now that you have your goals you can assign the whys like; I feel more confident in a size 4, I want to develop strong bonds with my children, and I want to help my body stay healthy.

With the Whys in place, it's time to move on to the intentions. For a healthier you, your intentions may be; I will exercise 5 times per week, I will limit my intake of processed foods, I will take a multi-vitamin daily.

Now each day as you review your intentions and set your action items you will have a clear and compelling reason to eat a salad for lunch or take a walk in the morning. It will be easy to accomplish and since you completely understand, you will be less likely to skip that necessary actions.

So find something today that you have been wanting to improve on and give it a try. I look forward to hearing about your successes.

Cheers to Success!

Tony Booth

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