Thursday, October 8, 2009

Keeping Values Fresh

As you go through life it's very easy to get caught up in the rat-race and lose track of things.  To stay on course you need to keep your values fresh and constantly in your mind.  This is a key factor in the Focusing on Success program.  The best way to keep your values fresh in your mind is to review them regularly and keep them posted where you can see them.
Having a clear understanding of your values helps you make clear and decisive decisions.  When you are faced with an important decision you can reflect on your values to help you make the right choice.  We all make mistakes and bad decisions but the biggest mistake is not making a decision or making a decision that you regret later.  If all your decisions are in line with your values then there is no reason for regret.  Sure, it might still be the wrong decision but you will maintain your integrity with your values. 
If your boss walks into your office at 5:00 pm and tells you that he needs your report by 8:00 am (a day earlier then planned) and that same night is your daughter's school play you now have an important decision to make.  Do you skip the play and work late to meet your bosses new deadline or do you tell you boss you have somewhere to be tonight and you will not be able to complete the report in time.  There is no easy answer here, but there are consequences.  If you tell your boss you can meet the deadline that might hurt your chances of promotion or even get you fired but on the other hand if you miss your daughter's play, she will be heart broken.  Both decisions are wrong with someone but only one decision is right for you.  You need to make a value based decision so that you can be sure you make the right decision for you.  If I was faced with this problem, the decision would be easy.  In my key values, my family ranks higher than my success.  I would tell my boss I cannot complete the report on time because of a family commitment.  This may not sit well with him but I would never second guess my decision.  It is the right decision for me.
So remember, review your values regularly and make decisions that fit you.  We are not living our lives for other people, we live them for ourselves.
Cheers to Success!
Tony Booth

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