Thursday, September 17, 2009

Setting your Mission

A mission is a very important element in your path to success. In order to get there, you need to know where you are going. This applies to virtually every aspect of life and your personal mission is no different. You will never become the success you dream of without some type of mission.

Everyone needs to develop a vision of what their mission in life is. This vision needs to be converted into your mission and you need to develop a mission statement. Just like successful corporations develop a mission statement so that employees know what they are focused on, so should you. This mission statement will provide you with support and guidance as you progress through life. Your mission statement should be reviewed each morning when you are working on your Current Focus and Critical Action Items. This will help to reinforce the why in everything you do.

When writing a mission statement don't worry about getting too detailed, save that for your goals. You should keep you statement brief and to the point. I recommend a one to two sentence statement that provides an overview of who you are and what you do. One way to think about it is "What would I like people to say about me when I am gone?" Your mission statement can be an "I am" statement or if you prefer it can be in the third person. The main point is to develop your mission and write it down. Below are some examples of personal mission statements.

"I am a successful business person, loving family member, and respected member of the community that is extremely energetic and active, always helping others and creating successful businesses."

"Tom is well-known in the community for all the help he gives to others, respected by his co-workers for all his success in the computer programming field. Tom enjoys time with his family in their 5 acre ranch."

How you structure you mission statement is not what's important here. It's the substance that's important. Let your mission statement be something that inspires you each morning. Let your dreams go wild and write it down. You deserve to be anything you want and do all the amazing things you can dream of.

Cheers to Success!
Tony Booth

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